Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Little About Me

Hello everyone! I'm Jess and this is my summer blog. I will be a senior in college this fall, so to lighten my load a little during my last year, I am taking a couple summer classes. One is an education course, Premise of School. No, I am not an education major to become a teacher like some would assume. I'm actually a psychology major and hope to one day be a high school guidance counselor. I still would like to help students in the school system, so I though this course could only help me get a taste to what being in a school will be all about!

Being at the beach with a good book is my very favorite place to be during a hot summer day. During my spring break, my boyfriend and I were lucky enough to experience summer a little early on our cruise to the Bahamas. It was a blast and I recommend a cruise to anyone who wants to take a vacation! Here is us before one of the nightly shows started on our boat.

Also, if you move your cursor around the tank, my three little swimming fish will follow it. You can click to feed them too!