Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Are These Children Being Left Behind?

In Chapter 3, The Richness of Classroom Cultures in McNergney’s Education the Practice and Profession of Teaching, one section particularly stood out to me. On page 50, exceptionality is discussed. This is the name for the 13% of students who aren't the average student, but have a special ability or disability. I chose to look more into the topic of students with special abilities because the section said there basically isn't a federal definition of a gifted student or legislation regarding or mandating their education. Some states have their own description for their gifted students, but there is nothing country wide.

An article I found validated that statement. David Nagel wrote Is American education Neglecting Gifted Children? Many states and school don’t have funding for students with these special academic abilities or polices for teachers who teach them. This means that if a program is in place, those teachers don’t have any preparation or professional development courses to facilitate those classrooms. It’s unfortunate to hear many gifted students spend most of their time in classrooms with the general population of students without any specialized instruction. Many schools feel the need to focus their attention and funds on students who are lower preforming then the average student.

Following this path could greatly affect our countries future. Who knows the number of talented and gifted students out there that have not been identified and then given the proper attention they deserve. Just as students with disabilities, these students have special needs that just aren't being met. This needs to be a priority for our country and education system. Gifted students with special academic abilities can’t be lost in the shuffle because some feel other students better deserve the attention and funds. We are failing them if this type of thinking continues. A federal definition needs to be created and then curriculum based on their needs has to be implemented in schools a crossed the country. They deserve that. Based on the text and article, I think yes, American education is neglecting gifted children. 

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